Setting Shadowsocks on Windows

After you have registered in your account, you can proceed to setting up the application.

1. Install the application:

Create a local folder C: \ folder called ss


Download the application to the "SS" folder and launch the downloaded file:

ss   Download 

2. Configure the application.

Go to your account:

Personal Area

In the Account tab, select the server (1), leave the page so that the QR code is visible on the screen (the application will read it from the screen).

then, in the notification panel, right-click on the application icon, select Servers -> Scan QRCode from Screen (2):


I advise you to select each server and add it to the application in the same way.


Click the "OK" button.


Be sure to update the PAC file: PAC -> Update Local PAC from GFWList


Put a tick Start on boot, to automatically start when the computer boots


3. Run the application

Choosing a server


Turn on the application


All is ready.